days twenty six and twenty seven | the hire car

I think we mentioned how much we loved our replacement hire car in Michigan - the Chevrolet Malibu.  

On the way to San Francisco, we discussed the option of paying additional to upgrade to the next car class to try and get another Malibu for this leg.  I liked riding in it and Glen liked driving it.  

So, we asked the lady at the counter how much it would be to upgrade to the next class and at only $10 per day we decided it was a bargain.  She offered us a Ford SUV or a Chevrolet Malibu so of course we jumped at the Malibu. 

She then paused and said, you know what, I can get you an even nicer car for the same price but its a bit smaller.  

We took nicer but smaller!

Isn't it funny how these photos were taken off the laptop before it crashed!


1 comment:

  1. That is one SWEET ride!! I guess the laptop couldn't handle such a HOT car...too fast!
