truth dare and blog it

Don't let the name of this blog mislead you.  It is in no way intended to highlight things that happen 'only in America'.  Rather, it is intended to keep our families informed of our movements on our 5 week holiday in the US.

While I was trying to come up with a name for the blog I remembered some challenges that were put to me by work mates when they found out I was planning a trip to the US.  

Did you know that there are only five place names in the US that are spelled with an apostrophe?  Challenge number one was to get a photo at one of these five places.  Martha's Vineyard will be the closest we get but I doubt we'll actually get close enough to get a photo, though a directional road sign might be do-able.

Whilst we are going to Niagara Falls, it is highly unlikely that either of us will be riding over it in a barrel.  That, was challenge number two.

Denny's has recently released a limited time only maple bacon sundae.  An ice cream sundae with bacon on it. I kid you not!  Challenge number three is to eat one of these sundaes.  I'm secretly hoping the limited time runs out before I find a Denny's.  So in honour of something that can surely happen only in America, the name of this blog was found.

After today's temperatures in Brisbane I can't wait to get on that plane and head to the northern hemisphere where hopefully the weather is a little more civilised.

We'll be trying to check in at least every couple of days once we're there!

Mechelle & Glen


  1. So I guess I can get you to a Denny's while your here, unless of course your fetish gets to you before you get to Michigan.

  2. haha! Yes, we will have to do the maple bacon sundae if its still around...I'll wait till we get to Michigan so you can witness it :)

  3. Or else we can make our own....I know a place that has exellent Bacon mmmmmmm

  4. hahaha, I think if Denny's has finished the limited time offer I can give bacon on ice-cream a miss :)

  5. Have heaps of fun Mechelle & Glen....I am so so jealous! I have to fess up and say that I had a similar breakfast item in Wellington when away for work - pancakes with icing sugar and bacon and I enjoyed Chell you are going to have to try it :-)
